Fortislim Anti Grasa 60 dias


Fortislim Anti Grasa 60 dias


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Specially developed for people who need to lose weight but cannot exercise. Degrades the fats in food immediately after ingestion. Prevents the formation of visceral fat between organs and subcutaneous fat. Releases liquid and solid residues that cause swelling.

TODAY, those who lose weight want to maintain a fit body, without consequences for their health.

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Fortislim Fat Destroyer (green packaging)

Optimizes metabolic activity, which will resume the production of enzymes in the same quantities as before.
It inhibits the release of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone, and which is activated with the "possible" need for energy.
Helps the evacuation of the digestive tract, and improves the release of metabolic waste.
It eliminates saturated fats from food as soon as it is ingested, creating a gastric lining.
Inhibits the transformation of carbohydrates into unhealthy energy, which is then deposited in the form of fat
Stabilizes sugar levels, preventing the discomfort of sudden drops, which is normal with poor diets.
Increases physical resistance, prolonging energy needs.
It facilitates blood circulation and increases muscle tone, especially with physical exercise.
Strengthens the vitality of tendons and joints, normally affected by excess weight.

Minimum dosage: 1 capsule per day (on an empty stomach)
Maximum dosage: 4 capsules per day (upon advice)
See HERE the technical data sheet for Fortislim Fat Destroyer or consult the information on the packaging.

Fortislim is manufactured in France exclusively for Sim Slim Instituit.

Does it really work or is it like the others?

Fortislim's results are the direct consequence of the client's commitment to the Sim Slim Instituit commitment for 11 years.

More than looking for explanations regarding the reliability of other products, or researching them to obtain information, Sim Slim Instituit focuses on periodically monitoring our customers. There are circumstances in which it is necessary to review the dosage, or take additional measures, since each person is different.

Active guidance through simplified and real communication is the difference between getting on the path to results or remaining in the impasse of attempts. Sim Slim Instituit offers several communication channels where you can obtain free advice according to your needs.

One day it will be possible to lose weight effortlessly. When that day comes, it won't be new to Sim Slim Instituit customers.

What you should know

NEVER use other people as a reference, especially if they are public figures or photographic models, sometimes very young, or who dedicate a lot of their time to body care. In addition to these, there are people with an elegant appearance, but many are falsely thin, who lose muscle mass that is replaced by fat. These people have a fragile appearance, they usually have a very acceptable weight that they gain and lose in a few days.

ALL people can lose weight, regardless of age and stage of life. It is the determination of each person that distinguishes those who achieve their objectives and those who continue to think that nothing works.

LOSING weight and losing weight at the same time requires special attention to diet and exercise so that the increase in muscle mass does not cause weight gain. Muscle mass weighs three times more than fat mass. There are people who, due to their muscle mass, are by default heavier .

You MUST set small goals, apply and consolidate. Too many rules, restrictions, inhibitions and diets are the beginning of failure. Other people's opinions are not very important and are only used to vent to you. You must stay true to your own program and not constantly change.

YOU CAN ask Sim Slim Instituit for advice, even if you are not a customer, or Click HERE and you will find answers to some of your questions.


FORTISLIM is not a medicine, and is made up of 100% natural substances, and complies with the standards of the European Union health authority EFSA, which was notified regarding its placing on the market.

Despite this, it must be taken according to the instructions and the maximum recommended doses must not be exceeded. Fortislim is not a food substitute, so you should maintain a healthy and balanced diet. It should not be taken by people who are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the components of Fortislim. This group of restricted people includes all those identified in the Fortislim technical sheet.

Due to the strong concentrations of slimming active ingredients, there are contraindications, which Sim Slim Instituit describes in the information leaflet and technical sheet, of the side effects and where it also discourages restricted groups from using Fortislim.

Find out if you can take Fortislim and consult the technical data sheet click HERE .

Satisfaction or return guarantee

If for some reason you have given up on the idea of taking Fortislim, you have one year to return it without having to explain why. Just click on the following link, print the form and follow the instructions. See the return conditions.

Free daily shipping

If you do not receive your order within the agreed deadline, we will refund 10 times what you paid. Find out how HERE

Secure Payments

Sim Slim Instituit offers several secure payment methods, local such as Multibanco or global such as credit cards or Paypal.
Visa and Mastercard payments are only available for cards with an active 3DS. If you have any doubts about the 3DS, consult your bank. Cash on delivery payments are validated and assessed on a case-by-case basis and may be refused in the case of commercial information.

Click HERE to learn about the security protocols for 3DS online payments.