Detox Skin

Detox'Skin Pack 20un

37,15€ 46,44€
(2 Reviews)
Detox Skin

Detox'Skin Pack 20un

37,15€ 46,44€
(2 Reviews)

Only 0 units of this product remain

Remove the patch from the packaging and peel off the adhesive film. 2. Then place the patch on the sole of your foot before going to sleep and leave it to act for at least 7 hours. Using the patch while you sleep is more effective. 3. After waking up, remove the plaster. Under normal circumstances the plaster will come off without difficulty or use lukewarm water. A) First uses: It is advisable to use the first two times on both feet simultaneously, thus allowing you to check which side needs more attention. B) Following uses: Can be used alternately on each foot. C) First journey: The best effect is obtained if used during a consecutive journey of between 14 days and 21 days. D) Pauses of use: You can suspend use at any time. E) Resuming use: You can restart use whenever you want. F) Periodic uses: Periodic uses should preferably be after the first day, and for periods of two days a week, using on both feet simultaneously. G) After long periods of pause, it is advisable to restart with indications A), B) and C).

After applying the FIXON SKIN detox plaster with FREETOX you may feel a slight increase in temperature in the foot, which does not last for more than a few minutes and does not require special attention. When removed, the FIXON SKIN detox patch with FREETOX should have a sticky texture and a dark color with a greenish, orange or brownish hue. If upon removal you notice a yellowish, reddish or black color with a rough texture, immediately contact our customer service center on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 by telephone 211308986 - 966645134. If you use a FIXON SKIN detox patch with FREETOX on any other area of the body other than that indicated, you will not obtain any benefit or consequence. FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX are not reusable: After use, throw them away.

FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX should not be used as a dressing for healing purposes, wound containment, and should not be placed on unhealed wounds or recent scars. Patients with diabetic foot should remove the FIXON SKIN detox plaster with FREETOX with the help of warm water. The use of FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX on children should always be done under adult supervision. You should not open the FIXON SKIN detox patch with FREETOX pouch, as this will irreparably damage the product. If you accidentally ingest any of the compounds in the FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX, you should drink plenty of water and in case of other symptoms, consult a doctor. It should not be used while walking. See HERE the technical data sheet for FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX.

FIXONSKIN detox plasters with FREETOX are produced exclusively by Larune Laboratories, Paris, which has patented the manufacturing process and certified with ISO9001, ISO22000, ISO13485, ISO22716. The natural substances in FIXONSKIN detox plasters with FREETOX come from legally established farms that comply with the responsible exploitation standard, certified by ECOCERT. FIXON SKIN detox plasters with FREETOX are a pharmaceutical quality product, notified to the EFSA (European Food and Supplements Agency) health authorities.

You can place an order here on the website by simply filling out the form with your details. Please note that all fields are mandatory and if you do not fill them in or fill them out incorrectly, it will not be possible to complete the order. We have commercial support at your disposal to help you complete your order over the phone on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 by calling 211308986 - 966645134.

Yes you can. You have one year to exchange and request a refund. See the ATTACHMENTS tab for the conditions and forms that you must fill out and submit.

Consult the FIXONSKIN Questions page and if you cannot find an answer to your particular question, contact customer support on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 by telephone 211308986 - 966645134.

Daily shipments and deliveries via CTT Expresso, 2 to 3 working days, plus an additional 1 to 2 days for the islands. If you do not receive your order within the agreed deadline, we will refund 10 times what you paid. Find out how in the ATTACHMENTS tab

You can pay with ATM, Credit cards or Paypal. The Payment Against Refund option is also available. See the 3DS security policies for online payments that Sim Slim Instituit has implemented in the attachments tab.

Pack of 20 DetoxSkin® foot plasters, with Freetox®

This product is original and certified, produced in France by Larune Paris Laboratories.

Detoxifies sugars, fats, metabolic waste, toxins and heavy metals, with each use and without releasing substances into the body. The most effective detox because it does not depend on the organs for the excretion process, as happens with ampoules, tablets, syrups or teas. It works while you sleep, and displays the result at the end of each use.

DetoxSkin plasters with Freetox are packaged individually. External use, not reusable.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using DetoxSkin® in the information leaflet inside the packaging or according to the following instructions:

1 - Remove the plaster from the plastic packaging;

2 - Remove the protective film from the self-adhesive tape;

3 - Position the plaster on the palm of the foot, according to the instructions in the information leaflet or the foot reflexology map;

4 - Adjust the self-adhesive film over its entire surface. 5 - Place yourself in a resting position, preferably to sleep uninterruptedly for at least 4 hours;

5 - Remove the plaster at the end of each use.

To get the best effect, consider using for at least 6 hours.

At the end of each use, check the saturation of the plaster. If you get an amber, glaucous, coppery or grimy color, consult the instructions in the package leaflet.

No adverse effects are expected from the use of DetoxSkin foot plasters. During the first few uses, an increase in foot temperature may be felt, which is normally well tolerated by all users and does not require special attention. In case of unexpected irritation, remove the plaster and wash the foot with warm water.

There are no contraindications. It has a restricted group of users: Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with a diagnosed skin disease, or skin sensitivity in the patch's bonding area. All people who, due to medical advice, or due to hypersensitivity when using or coming into contact with any of the product's compounds, should not use DetoxSkin.

This product is available for immediate shipping to Portugal and the Islands.

Satisfaction guarantee or full refund. Consult the conditions.

If you need assistance with your decision or information suited to your needs, call 211308986 - 966645134 or access the information page by clicking HERE .

Detoxification using DetoxSkin Foot Patches occurs while you sleep. Do not use while walking.

Although DetoxSkin is safe, can be used by most people and none of the plaster's substances are absorbed by the body, and therefore does not interfere with medications, it requires the user to read the information leaflet carefully before use.

If you identify with any of the profiles mentioned in the restricted user groups, do not use DetoxSkin.

Detoxification using foot plasters may require several consecutive uses and depending on the goals of each user. It is also the only system that allows specific detoxification of an organ or set of organs, simply by placing the plaster on the sole of the foot according to the foot reflexology map that indicates the endings of all the organs of the human body.

The image that represents the foot reflexology map is used as a reference for doctors and health specialists. Direct stimulation of reflexology points on the foot immediately activates a chain of actions in the organ (or organs) depending on the area of the foot in which this action is carried out.

Detoxification using foot reflexology points is a practice widely used by doctors and health specialists, in many circumstances in which edema, liver poisoning, including non-alcoholic cirrhosis (in those who do not drink alcohol) and alcoolificas (those who drink alcohol).

In addition to the liver, detoxification of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems is stimulated through the action of Freetox.


Improves rest during sleep and wakes up with more energy. Relieves stress, regulates balance and activates metabolism.
Activates circulation and microcirculation, helping oxygenate arterial and venous veins, adipocyte tissues and peripheral organs.
Helps the release of liquids and activates intestinal transit, preventing intoxication through intestinal microcirculation.
Detoxifies the hepatobiliary system, especially residues from medications, alcoholic beverages and foods that are harmful to liver health. Liver detoxification promotes improved cholesterol levels and blood renewal.
Stimulates the enzyme system, improves digestion through detoxification of the pancreas. Can be used by diabetics.
Several users have confirmed the effectiveness of the DETOXSKIN patch in relieving generalized pain, chronic pain, sciatica, muscle pain and relieving some symptoms related to fibromyalgia.
Health experts use the DETOXSKIN patch for edema, weight loss, skin trauma and bruising, anti-cellulite and thermal treatments, and recovery for patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


DETOXSKIN is an evolution in the category of detoxifying products due to the inclusion of FREETOX in the composition of the patch. According to doctors specializing in Podiatry, the loss of foot health has repercussions on the body. Since specialists in Foot Reflexology identified the points on the feet where the organs end, it has been possible to develop therapies based on reflex stimulation of the central nervous system.

Find out HERE what FREETOX is and what differentiates DETOXSKIN from other plasters.

This type of therapy is recognized by several health professionals and is predominantly indicated for people subject to high levels of stress, or tense, with blood circulation problems, hormonal problems, various types of pain and system imbalance. Stress is the biggest cause of heart disease, migraines, muscle pain, nervousness and depression.

It is currently part of occupational medicine in people who carry out their professional activity in establishments such as chemical and gas industries, fire brigades, aviation and railway workers, workers in polluting industries (cellulose, oil, recycling, automobiles), mining, repair of machines and vehicles.

In addition to these, beauty professionals who are exposed daily to nail polish, solvents, acetone, hair dyes, soaps and detergents are a group especially vulnerable to poisoning with toxic elements, requiring great detoxification periodically.

Using the DETOXSKIN patch with FREETOX stimulates blood circulation so that all organs are able to receive the nutrients present in the blood, and the release of toxins occurs.

Demand the original. Reject imitations

Placing the plaster in the area indicated in the image or directed to a group of organs, reacts with the body temperature and further stimulates circulation, starting the process of Reverse Osmosis, that is, it separates the solvents (food and metabolic toxins, heavy metals , Benzene Compounds, Cadmium, Mercury, Road Fuel, Urban Pollution, Alcohols and Solvents).

These compounds are classified by IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the WHO World Health Organization of the United Nations, as carcinogenic to humans based on leukemia and also observed in epidemiology. Find out more about IARC at


According to INTERTEK , industrial pollution and polluting emissions from road fuels are mainly responsible for human poisoning with heavy metals such as Benzene, Cadmium, Mercury and Aluminum compounds, all of which are carcinogenic. See the results of the heavy metals study HERE .
The most demanding hygiene levels have led to the use of detergent and cosmetic solutions, which contain alcohols and chemicals present in the vast majority of detergents, soaps, shampoo, hair and nail paints, varnish solvents, acetone, calicides and makeup.
Then food, which due to the increasingly present availability of fast food chains, and processed foods that are quickly prepared or consumed instantly, increases the consumption of fast fats and sugars that are not consumed by the body and settle in the form of fat. peripheral.
Daily stress resulting from modern lifestyles or the work and family environment causes chemical reactions within the body that are characterized by toxins. Women are the main target of stress poisoning since they combine the roles of home managers, wives, mothers and professionals.

All these circumstances lead to intoxication of the body, which begins to show alarm signals and health problems often occur that are treated with medication. Medication residues are a form of liver poisoning that is important to resolve with periodic detoxification.
Additionally, behavioral consumption such as tobacco, sweets, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks that leave intoxicating residues in the organs. These risk groups are particularly easy targets for poisoning-related health problems.

INTERTEK is an independent, internationally renowned entity, specialized in the environment and pollutants, carried out efficacy tests on DETOXSKIN plasters with FREETOX in April 2013, and published results that certify the existence of toxic substances in the plasters after use, in the categories of Alcohols, Benzene Compounds and Sugars.

It is recommended to do several detox sessions throughout your life, preferably in short periods of 2 to 3 days a week. The reason behind this advice is related to the day-to-day modern life that puts people face to face with modern consumption and everyday stress.

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