Detox'Skin Pack 10un.

22,88€ 24,08€
(1 Review)

Detox'Skin Pack 10un.

22,88€ 24,08€
(1 Review)

Only 0 units of this product remain

Remove the plaster from the packaging and remove the adhesive film. 2. Then place the patch on the sole of the foot at bed time and leave it on for at least 6 hours. The use of the plaster while sleeping is more effective. 3. After waking up remove the patch.

In normal circumstances the plaster comes off without any difficulty but, in any case, you may use warm water.

A) First uses: the first two uses are advised on both feet simultaneously, so you can check the foot that needs the most attention.

B) The following uses: can be used alternately on each foot.

C) First round: better effect is obtained if used during a consecutive round of 14 days to 21 days.

D) Pauses of use: you can suspend the use at any time. 

E) Resumption of use: you can restart use whenever you want.

F) Periodic uses: periodic uses should be preferably after the first round and in periods of two days per week, using both feet simultaneously.

G) After long pauses, it is advisable to restart with indications A), B) and C) 

After placing the DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patch you may feel a slight increase of temperature in the foot, which does not last for more than a few minutes and requires no special attention.
When removing DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patch you should have a sticky texture and a dark coloration with greenish, orange or brownish tone. When removing check for yellowish, reddish or black with rough texture, contact our service center immediately from 10:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. by phone +351 211308986. If you use DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches in any area of the body other than the indicated one, you will not get any benefit, or consequence. DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patch are not reusable: After use throw away in trash recipient.  

You should not use DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches for healing wound purposes and should not be placed on recente wounds or scars.
Patients with diabetic feet should remove the DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches with the help of warm water. The use of DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches on children should always be done with adult supervision. You should not open DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches up until moment of use or else it can irreparably damage the product. If you accidentally ingest any of the compounds of DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches, you should drink plenty of water and in case of other symptoms consult a doctor. It should not be used while walking.
Consult DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches tecnical sheet here.

The DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches are produced exclusively by Laboratories Larune, Paris, which has patented the manufacturing process and certified with ISO9001, ISO22000, ISO13485, ISO22716. 

The natural substances of DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches are from legally established farms that comply with the responsible exploitation standard, certified by ECOCERT.

DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches are a pharmaceutical grade product, notified to the EFSA (European Food and Supplements Agency) health authorities.

Yes you can. You have one year to exchange and request or to request a refund. Please refere to the ANNEXES tab for the conditions and forms that you must complete and submit.

Please see the DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches Inquiries page and if you do not find an answer to your particular question, please contact customer support: landline + 351 211380986 and Mobile: + 351 966645134 or email:

Daily shipments and deliveries through DHL Parcel, 2 to 4 business days. If you do not receive your order within the agreed ime, we will refund you 10 times what you pai for. See how in ANNEXES tab.

You can pau with Credit Cards or Paypal. See the ATTACHMENTS tab 3DS security policies for online payments that Formula San has implemented. 

DetoxSkin Foot Patches help remove from organs waist such as sugar and fat. They also help clean faty and saturated liver against food, alcohol and medication. DetoxSkin Foot Patches are naturally efective while detoxing the body as it sleeps, removing effectively harmful toxins and metabolic waist. DetoxSkin Foot Patches are used by doctors to detox organs as well as they are recommended to accompany weight loss programs. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back during 1 year no questioned asked.

Foot Patches, pads or plasters. The name they are called by doesn't really matter unless you know your using the original product DetoxSkin. That way you can be sure to expect results on the first night you us them.   

DetoxSkin can be used by all people because none of the substances will be absorbed by the body. DetoxSkin does not interfere with medication, nor will cause any adverse reactions. It's a detox that does not release waist during the detoxification process like other products such as syrups and tablets or any other kind as long as its ingested.

Detoxication processes are always more efective with detox foot patches because thee don't depend on the digestion system or intestinal excretion functions. Detox foot patches are also efective because you can stick them to the soles of your feet were you can find the nerve terminals of all organs of the human body.   

In this image you can see a reflexology map of the feet that is used as a reference by doctors and health specialists. The direct stimulation on reflexology foot points immediately activate a chain reaction of the organ (or organs) depending on were exactly the foot pressure is taking place.

The detoxification process through reflexology points are a common practice used by specialists on edema patients and for liver intoxications, including hepatic and non-hepatic cirrhosis. In order for an efective liver detoxification, the process should be slow and in the most natural way possible making sure not to leave any other waist behind. With DetoxSkin Foot Patches the hepatic detoxification is activated by simply putting the patch on the liver reflexology foot representation. 

Besides the liver, the detoxification of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory system is also stimulated through the Freetox action. While you sleep, the body uses all it's energy in the detoxification process in such an intense way that you can see the results in the next morning. Please take a few seconds to watch this video:

Learn more in _______ Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Our contact telefone numbers are: Landline + 351 211380986 and Mobile: + 351 966645134 or email:


Improves rest during sleep hours and helps you wake up with more energy. Relieves stress, regulates balance and boosts metabolism. DetoxSkin also activates the circulation and micro-circulation, aiding oxygen in the arterial and venous veins, adipocytes tissues and peripheral organs. Helps release fluid retention and activates intestinal activity, avoiding intoxication through micro intestinal circulation. Detoxifies the hepatobiliary system, especially from drug residues, alcoholic beverages and foods that are harmful to liver health. Liver detoxification improves cholesterol levels, and blood renewal. Also it stimulates the enzymatic system and improves digestion through the detoxification of the pancreas. DetoxSkin can be used by diabetics. 

Several users have confirmed the effectiveness of DETOXSKIN Foot Patches in relieving generalized pain, chronic pain, sciatica, muscle pain and relieving some symptoms related to fibromyalgia. Heath experts use DETOXSKIN Foot Patches for edema, weight loss, cutaneous trauma and acchymosis, anti-celulite treatments, thermal treatments, and on recovery for post-radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients. 


DETOXSKIN Foot Patches are an evolution in the category of detox products due to the inclusion of FREETOX in the composition of the plaster. According to medical experts in Podology, the loss of foot health has repercussions in the body. Since specialists in Foot Reflexology identified the points where the organs end, it was possible to develop therapies based on stimulation by reflex of the central nervous system.  

Learn more (here) about FREETOX and what makes DETOXSKIN Foot Patches diferente from any other foot patch. 

This type of therapy is recognized by several health systems in countries such as Brazil were they practice partial reimbursement and in Japan were the patient is fully reimbursed by the health system. This therapy has also been welcomed by European governments for delivering almost immediate preventive public health outcomes at a fraction of the cost of curative therapies. 

DETOXSKIN Foot Patches are predominantly indicated for people exposed to high levels of stress, strained, nervous, with blood circulation problems, hormonal problems, various types of pain and is also used to balance the system in general. Stress is the biggest cause of heart disease, migraine, muscle aches, nervousness and depression.

At the moment DETOXSKIN Foot Patches are a part of occupational medicine for people that work in petrol stations, firemen, aviation and railway workers, workers in the polluting industries (cellulose, oil, recycling, automobile), mining, machinery and vehicles. 

With the use of DETOXSKIN Foot Patches with FREETOX the blood circulation is stimulated so that all organs are able to receive the nutrients present in the blood, and that the release of toxins may occur. 




Placing the plaster in the area indicated in the image or directed to a group of organs, reacts with body temperature and further stimulates circulation, initiating the reverse osmosis process, this is, separating solvents (Food and metabolic toxins, heavy metals, Benzene Compounds, Cadmium, Mercury, Road Fuel, Urban Pollution, Alcohols ans Solvents). 

These compounds are classified by the IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the United Nations World Health Organization, as human carcinogens based on leukemia and also observed in epidemiological studies. Learn more about IARC at


According to INTERTEK, industrial pollution and pollutant emissions from road fuels are mainly responsable for human intoxication with heavy metals such as Benzene, Cadmium, Mercury, Aliminium, all of these carcinogens. See more (here) for the results of the study of heavy metals.

The most demanding levels of hygiene have led to the use of detergent and cosmetic solutions, which contain alcohols and chemicals present in the majority of detergents, soaps, shampoo, hair and nail paints, varnish solvents ketones, calicides and make-up. 
Then the food. Due to the increasing availability of fast food chains and processed fast food or instant consumption of fast fats and sugars that are not digested by the body and therefor install themselves as peripheral fat. 
Daily stress derives from the modern way of life, as well as the modern work and family environment causes chemical reactions within the body that are distinguished by toxins. Women are the main targets of stress intoxication since they accumulate the functions of home managers, wives, mothers and professionals. 
All these circumstances lead to body intoxication, which begin by presenting alarm signals and often will develop into health problems that are treated with medicines. Drug residues are a major form of liver poisoning to resolve with periodic detoxification. Additionally, behavioral consumption such as tobacco, sweets, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks that leave residues also intoxicate the organs. These at-risk groups are particularly easy targets for health problems related to intoxication.

INTERTEK is an independent and well known international entity which is specialized in environment and pollutants. They performed tests on DETOXSKIN FREETOX Foot Patches in April 2013, and published results that certify the existence of toxic substances in plasters after being used in the categories of Alcohols, Benzene and Sugar Compounds. 

It is advisable to have several detox sessions throughout your life, preferably in small periods of 2 to 3 days a week. The reason behind this advice relates to the day-by-day modern lifestyle that puts people in face with modern day consumption and stress.

Satisfaction guarantee or return money back

DETOXSKIN is manufactured in France by the laboratories Larune - Paris. National and European health authorities have been notified for the marketing of DETOXSKIN.

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